Remove gold plating, replace RoHS finish with Sn/Pb, replace Sn/Pb finish with RoHS, refurbish legacy components and mitigate tin whiskers. The LTS200 will do it all with automation and robotic control. By using a two solder pot technology, you can remove the old finish on your components in the first solder pot along with all the contamination that make the components difficult to solder, then put on a new finish with the solder of your choice that matches your manufacturing processes.
The pallet holder accepts a wide variety of component specific pallets for ease of change-over, optimum control and reduced cost. If you have specific components that you don’t see a fixture to fit it, we are able to design and make custom fixtures. This is an extremely versatile system that will re-tin most through-hole and surface mount components. All these systems are designed and manufactured in the United States.
The LTS200 system is the mid-range automated lead-tinning system offered by ACE. It features two dynamic nitrogen inerted solder pots, (one dedicated to remove the old finish and any contamination while the other puts on a fresh layer of pure solder alloy), a dynamic flat wave fluxing station and a forced hot air pre-heat station.
Standard Features
- Dynamic Solder Pots
- Dross Skimming
- Dynamic flux pot
- Pickup Head
- Temp Controller
- Inerted N²
- Forced Air Preheater
Available Options
- JEDEC Tray to Tray
- Additional Solder Pots
- Additional Solder Pumps
- Solder Nozzles